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What is Reiki Healing?

Updated: May 11, 2023

Let's look at what Reiki Healing is and what some of the health benefits are!

What is Reiki Healing?

Reiki is a healing technique that moves and balances energy within and around you to promote relaxation, to reduce stress and anxiety, which are linked to other comorbidities (the simultaneous presence of two or more diseases or medical conditions in a patient) that may affect you. The Reiki Practitioner is trained to manipulate the energy within your body and unblock chakras (points of physical or spiritual energy in the human body) to improve the flow and balance of your own energy to support healing from within. Reiki healing can be given in person or over distance, and can be through gentle touch or no contact at all.

Reiki was developed in the early 1900's by Mikao Usui, and derives from the Japanese words rei (meaning "universal") and ki (referring to the life force within us all).

Reiki Healing is becoming more prevalent in society today as a holistic healing technique, which is making it's way into medical facilities to accompany other forms of treatments.


What are some of the Health Benefits of Reiki Healing?

Reiki Healing promotes stress relief and relaxation to assist in your overall health.

Stress is linked to many mental illnesses (such as depression, anxiety, insomnia, memory loss, etc.) and physical illnesses (common colds, chronic pain, gastrointestinal issues, cancer, etc.) that can not only affect your life but also others around you. Decreasing the amount and type of stress in your life can assist in resolving some of these illnesses. Please also note that Reiki Healing should not be used to replace other treatments, medications, or physician visits but can be use to accompany different forms of treatments.

Your mind is a powerful healing tool for your body. Shifting your mindset during traditional treatments has been proven to speed recovery in many different settings.

“The good news is mindsets are highly changeable, and if you are willing to learn the technology of changing your mindset and defeating your distorted thoughts, you can have significantly more happiness.” - Dr. Jacob Towery (adjunct clinical instructor in the department of psychiatry at Stanford University)


What to Expect during a Reiki Healing Session

A Reiki Healing session can last from 10 minutes to 60 minutes, depending on what you are looking to accomplish during this session. Some may have time for a full body, front and back, 60 minute session to perform an energy scan of your body, unblock chakras, and balance the flow of energy within your body. On the other hand, you can use a short Reiki Healing session to calm and untangle your mind.

During a session, generally the Reiki practitioner will have you lie down (generally on a massage table) for your comfort and ease of access for the practitioner. However, Reiki Healing can take place in any position. It is important for the receiver to be comfortable (emotionally and physically) to allow for smooth energy flow. If you feel uncomfortable in any way, please alert the Reiki practitioner and adjustments will be made to assist you.

A reiki practitioner can perform the healing session hands on or hands off, depending on the comfort level of the receiver. This may also vary depending on the comfort and style of the Reiki practitioner, as well. The Reiki practitioner will position their hands over the 7 chakras and any other areas where they feel there is a block in energy flow that could include over organs or joints in the body.

The Reiki practitioner and the receiver may feel a rise in heat during the session. This includes the temperature in the room, the practitioner's hands, and different areas of the receiver's body where the energy is flowing. You may also experience a cold feeling where energy is blocked throughout the receiver's body.

Reiki practitioners may use tools during their sessions as well. This could include incense or essential oils, crystals, music/sound, and colored lighting. This will depend on the Reiki practitioners preferences and how they were taught the technique. This is not an indicator of the level the Reiki practitioner is practicing at, it is purely personal preference.

If you have any questions about how I practice as a Reiki practitioner or about the Reiki Healing technique in general, I am open to answering any questions through messaging on my contact page. And if I don't know the answer, I have several wonderful contacts who I'm sure would be just as interested to help!

Many Blessings,

Lindsay Marie



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